Team Fishing Circuit offer TWO thrilling event formats…
An App only, Month-Long event for $45.71 per Angler
Fishing any US Public Waters of your choice
On YOUR schedule for the entire month!
2 Payout Categories: Big Fish & Stringer of 10 (Top longest Muskie)
4 PLACES for each Category
Utilizing the FishDonkey App
Casting for a Cause: $2 of every entry goes to the Fresh Water Hall of Fame!
Learn more below!
Team Events
Boat Checks & Award Ceremonies
More Details to Come for 2024

MUSKIE USA "Casting for a Cause"
ONe-angler, Month Long App Only Events across the USA!
Sign In, Then Search "MUSKIE USA".
You enter one at a time as these are individual events.
Click on each tab below to learn more...
If interested in supporting our efforts, please contact us. You will be listed here and on the Sponsor page of the Fishdonkey app. Thank you for your support!
Bob Mehsikomer: Donating 8 Xtractors, a $400 total value, given to 4th place monthly winners!
Team Fishing Circuit is the organizer of Muskie USA “Casting for a Cause”.
Bob Mehsikomer, lifetime member of Muskie’s Inc & Freshwater Hall of Famer, along with Casy Mehsikomer will be running these month long events, encompassing, 4 individual months: June, July, August, September.
This is an amazing event that will be donating back to the industry with $2 of every entry fee dedicated to the Freshwater Hall of Fame. Together, we can help make a difference to this amazing Non-Profit organization.
This is a One-Angler entry, not a team event, but we encourage 2 anglers in the boat for Muskie & Angler safety. Both anglers can each enter the event individually. We will track the longest Muskie each month, and the largest 10 total catches in inches “stringer of 10”. 32″ minimum to score with following the FishDonkey Scoring instructions.
Monthly Entry fee is noted on the app as $41.63 but after app fee and tax/service fees it is a total of $45.71. $40 goes towards the event. You can certainly fish just one of the months, or as many as you like! and will fish any US Public waters you choose.
Live Leaderboard: You will see your Livewell on the 1st of the month and all other anglers Leaderboard on the 6th of each month, after Entry closes.
Winners will receive their check via U.S. mail by the end of the following month.
W9’s are required by winners that receive north of $599.
Team Fishing Circuit will be putting together a post event video that will air on FISHTV, our FREE streaming channel on the ROKU platform. Please follow Team Fishing Circuit Facebook page & group page for updates, event information, and winner announcements. If you are NOT on Facebook, you can see our Facebook Page on the homepage of our website but will need to check it regularly.
Watch this Video on how to score with your approved bump board. Click Here!
See rules for complete format
The app will automatically put your largest Muskie by length in this category.
When we reference “the number of entered anglers below”, keep in mind you need to subtract 1 because TFC has to be listed to run the event.
- 1st Place $8 (multiply $8 times number of entered anglers)
- 2nd Place $6 (multiply $6 times number of entered anglers)
- 3rd Place $4 (multiply $4 times number of entered anglers)
- 4th Place Prize – Xtractor, $50 value, Solid Surgical Stainless Steel 12″ Multiplying Plyer includes Crimping & Wire Cutting
The app will automatically calculate and cull your top ten Muskie’s by length.
- 1st Place $7 (multiply $7 times number of entered anglers)
- 2nd Place $5 (multiply $5 times number of entered anglers)
- 3rd Place $3 (multiply $3 times number of entered anglers)
- 4th Place Prize: Xtractor, $50 value, Solid Surgical Stainless Steel 12″ Multiplying Plyer includes Crimping & Wire Cutting
Giving back to non-profit organizations that support Muskie Fishing.
$2 of every entry will go to the Fresh Water Hall of Fame. (multiply $2 times number of entered anglers)
Each contestant agrees to these rules by registering with FISHDONKEY.
All registration and payment must be completed using the app. The FishDonkey App will be used to photo/video document Muskie/Musky. All entries will be considered unofficial until verified. Winners will be verified. There will be a LIVE LEADERBOARD to see all other participants catches on the 6th of each qualifying month, after the entry close date on the 5th.
YOU MUST be ENTERED into the monthly tournament you intend to fish by the 5th of each month. Month long events begin at 12:00am on the 1st of the month and ends at 11:59pm the last day of that month. Have your fish submitted by 11:59pm.
• 32” Minimum to Score following app instructions below
• USA Public Waters only
• USA Residents only
• 18 or older
• Must use one of the 2 approved bump boards:
o 60” Fatboy Muskie Bumper (preferred) Does not have to say Fatboy on it but that is the approved style that is sold at many retailers. (Click Here for Product)
o 60” Magnum Folding Ruler by Rapala (Click Here for Product)
• All participants must operate within the guidelines of their state laws
Practice the FishDonkey App ahead of time
Watch a 1 minute tutorial on How to Practice Entering a Fish
Test the app before you get out on the water.
1. Download the app
2. Join “Practice Entering a Fish”
FishDonkey App
All photos & videos must be taken through the FishDonkey app and measurements must be on an approved event measuring board. No Exceptions.
Fish should be recorded immediately, measurements noted by length & released according to rules and/or guidelines.
All submissions must include the following.
CLICK HERE for Video on how to enter a fish in the app but you must include all 4 steps below for the MUSKIE USA Events! The video is a just a tutorial, but these 4 steps are REQUIRED!
1. A pic of the fish on the measuring board showing the entire muskie.
2. A video of the fish on the bump board must include the entire fish and zooming in on the measurement.
3. A picture of you holding the Muskie.
If you choose to fish alone, an angler will be allowed to live well their catch in order to flag down an appropriate assistant, that can FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES. The fish and the integrity of the event are paramount. You must follow state guidelines. Our preference is you find someone to share your boat.
4. A release video of your live fish swimming away.
If the fish tail is touching the graduation line on the board, then that is the exact measurement. If the tail crosses a graduation line, round up ¼”. You will enter this measurement in the app before hitting the submit your fish button.
All participants must have their fish submitted before the end of the tournament which is 11:59pm central time, the last day of each month.
All entries will be considered unofficial until verified. Team Fishing Circuit will review and verify ALL WINNERS via the app.
FishDonkey in poor reception areas
The app will work without the internet. Open the app before heading out to poorly covered areas and tap on the name of the tourney. That is all it takes to fully load your tournament. You are ready! Fish should be entered as normal in bad reception areas, through the button ‘Enter a Fish’. Your Digital Livewell® (fish icon) will show you if there are fish waiting for an internet connection to get pushed into the leaderboard. When you get back to a well connected area, open your Digital Livewell® and leave that screen open/active until all fish are “Received”. If your pictures are missing from the leaderboard, this is what you need to do. Until your pictures are received, do not delete or alter the backup photos / videos on your phone, as the software will not accept your photos as originals. Check this every time you are done fishing and submit your catches!
Missing pictures on the leaderboard?
Open your Digital Livewell (fish icon) when you get back to an area with good reception. Leave that screen open until all fish are “Received”. Never delete anything from your Digital Livewell.
Tournament Director
Your Tournament Directors are Bob & Casy Mehsikomer. If you need to reach your director, their contact info is in the “ i “ Info icon within your tournament in the app. On the website, click here!
The interpretation and enforcement of the rules are at the sole discretion of the directors. The tournament director may change rules or impose sanctions as they deem appropriate, including but not limited to: disqualifications, forfeiture of prizes, and prohibition from competing in future tournaments. All decisions made by the tournament director are final.
All participants are expected to follow high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy, safety, conservation, and State laws.
Body of Water
Participants may fish in any public US water that is open to public fishing.
No Refunds
This is a month long event and no refunds will be issued.
If there is a tie, we will refer to the earliest time of entry and the earlier entry to be caught in that month would take that prize. If it is for last place, then the angler that entered the fish at the later time would not take a prize.
Claiming Prizes
Ensure that your correct address, email, and mobile number appear in your app profile for prize announcements and delivery. Prizes are the responsibility of the winners. Taxes and incidentals are the responsibility of the winner.
It is the responsibility of the tournament director to disburse all prizes.
From our terms and conditions, you have agreed to the following.
”FishDonkey makes no representations or warranties regarding the Service or the quality, features, conditions, rules, prizes, results, or other aspects of any tournament ORGANIZED THROUGH, OR hosted on, the Site. AS BETWEEN FISHDONKEY AND THE TOURNAMENT ORGANIZER, THE TOURNAMENT ORGANIZER IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RESULTS AND CONSEQUENCES OF THE TOURNAMENTS THEY ORGANIZE AND HOST USING THE SITE AND SERVICES.”
As stated above, FishDonkey is not in any way responsible, but if you believe there is a problem with your tournament director or if something seems suspicious such as not paying out the funds or prizes, please contact FishDonkey and let us know ASAP.
Laws and Regulations
All federal, state, and local laws and all fishing and boating rules must be abided by.
Failure to comply with any tournament rules subjects participants to disqualification and removal from the competition, as determined by the tournament officials. The right to refuse sale and/or revoke a competition ticket to anyone is hereby reserved.
• All protests must be brought to the director’s attention before the end of the event.
• Anyone caught breaking the law or disobeying the rules will be disqualified.
• Fish must be hooked and caught live in a conventional manner. Fish cannot be snagged, netted, or speared, etc.
• Participants may be required to take polygraph exams as part of the tournament requirements. If deception is detected or the participant refuses to take the exam, the prize will be forfeited and the participant will be disqualified. Anglers taking a polygraph examination may be responsible for any and all costs incurred.
Participants are responsible for their own safety, actions, and property at all times. Team Fishing Circuit is NOT responsible for any damage, loss, or fatality as a result of fishing this event. By registering for this event, you acknowledge the fact that Cast Productions LLC, Team Fishing Circuit, Bob and Casy Mehsikomer assume no responsibility.
Be aware of minimum size requirement to legally reduce a fish to your live well. Refer to the state you are fishing in.
W9’s are required by anyone receiving more than $599 from Team Fishing Circuit. E-mail yours to Casy@TeamFishingCircuit.com. Payouts will be made by the end of the following month via Check if your W9 has been received.
Follow us on Facebook at Team Fishing Circuit (Page & Group) for updates. If you do NOT have Facebook, you can see Facebook on our Website Home page on a desktop and on some phones. If registered for an event, you will receive updates via the app.
Questions: If there are any questions about the rules, ask the tournament director.
Team Fishing Circuit – Muskie Classic – 2023 RULES
Rules Preface: Any penalty or decision of, assessed to an angler will result in a ruling for the entire team and
the entire team will be subject to penalties.
Each contestant agrees to these rules by signing the registration form.
Interpretation and enforcement of these rules will be left exclusively to CAST PRODUCTIONS LLC dba Team Fishing Circuit.
Decisions of the tournament director are final in all matters and are not subject to appeal.
Each contestant agrees to report any rule violation to the tournament director immediately upon discovery of the violation. Failure to report violations by captain or co-angler may be cause for disqualification.
Any violation of a tournament rule may result in loss of fish for the entire day and/or leading to disqualification from the entire tournament and potential ineligibility to participate in future Team Fishing Circuit tournaments, cash, and prizes.
Protests and/or alleged rule violations are to be made to the tournament director in writing by the witness within 15 minutes of the check-in time. Team Fishing Circuit reserves the right to consider rule violations reported or discovered after a tournament has ended and assess penalties for future events, including denying entry to compete. Any rule violation will or may result in state penalties.
A random number of anglers will be subject to polygraphs.
Payback is based on the number of paid entries for each tournament. Winnings will be split evenly between the teammates and paid via check for all places except for Big Muskie. See Payment Schedule for Big Muskie optional pot. It will also be requested that you deposit/cash the winning check within 30 days.
All cash paybacks once determined by the officials are paid in US currency. W9’s are required at boat check on CLASSIC CHAMPIONSHIP Day. Nonresidents of the United States see Rule 21.
If a second check needs to be issued to any winner because something has happened to it, there will be a $40 charge to the angler for processing an additional check.
The big fish winners must be present on the final day or forfeit the win.
Any person under the age of 18 entering our tournaments must also have the signature of a parent or legal guardian in the provided space on the entry form.
Teams will enter as partners. You select your co-angler and register together at the time of entry.
Any person’s participation in any tournament is at the sole discretion of the Team Fishing Circuit officials.
Any person who, in the judgment of the tournament director, is disabled or handicapped as to unfairly hinder his or her pro or co-angler partner or compromise his or her safety or the safety of other competitors or the boating public may not be eligible to participate.
All contestants must have a valid fishing license for the waters they fish. Failure to provide proof of a valid fishing license when requested by the tournament director will result in disqualification of the event.
If desired the $2,000 entry fee can be paid in full with one payment. You will indicate on your online registration form whether you want to pay by deposit, and then final payment or pay in full. Deposit/Down Payment option ends June 1, 2023.
Optional Big Muskie Pot: Big Muskie will be an additional $100.00, which will be paid back at a 100% and must be paid in cash at dock meeting. Big Muskie money will be split into two paydays, big fish for the first 3 days total will earn 50% of the pot, balance of Big Muskie money will be paid for the biggest fish caught on the final day. BIG FISH IS DECIDED BY INCHES IN LENGTH. Any ties will result in a 50/50 split. Must be present at the Awards Ceremony.
Once the registration is received you will be e-mailed a link, to the e-mail provided on your form. You will have 12 hours from receipt of the email to pay the $500.00 down payment of the entry. Down payments of $500.00 made to Cast Productions LLC, Team Fishing Circuit or Simply Fishing Muskie Classic are NON-REFUNDABLE, under any circumstances, providing the event is held. Deposit/Down Payment option ends June 1, 2023.
Please NOTE, these transactions are non-refundable payments unless for some unseen reason the event is canceled. At which point, a $2,000.00 Check will be refunded. This is for folks that paid by ACH or CREDIT CARD. Those that paid by Credit Card will NOT be refunded the credit card service fees.
You will select at the time of registration, to pay by ACH or Credit Card. It’s important to note, once your payment method is chosen, it will remain as such, i.e., deposit by credit card, requires final payment by credit card.
If paying by Credit Card, you will pay $520. If paying by ACH, your checking account will be charged only the amount desired.
Final payment is due by July 1, 2023, in the amount of $1,560 if by credit card. A link for final payment will be in your initial deposit email. If you do not receive the email link, it is your responsibility to contact us at 952-999-0784. If by ACH, the final payment due by July 1, 2023, will be $1,500.00. ACH payments are made by a bank to bank transfer and we never see the actual transaction, we only receive an alert that indicates the payment has been made. There are no service fees if paid by ACH. If you choose to pay in full by Credit Card when you register the payment will be $2080.
In the case that the tournament does not receive a good amount of entries determined by Team Fishing Circuit, the teams will be refunded their entry fee by check, regardless if paid by ACH or Credit Card. Again, Service fees when paying by Credit Card cannot be refunded.
Click on Register Here on the bottom of page or choose Register from the menu.
NO INFORMATION can be received or exchanged after the off-limits period of the lake, which is 12:01am on event start date, and continuing THROUGH the entire event, unless a written exception is given to a team that doesn’t qualify to SIMPLY FISHING CLASSIC World Championship.
The sharing of tournament winnings with non-contestants in exchange for information about locating or catching fish on tournament waters is strictly prohibited and will be reason for disqualification of the team from the entire tournament.
NO LIVE SCOPE, Garmin Panoptix, Mega Live, Active Target or similar electronics will be allowed during the actual tournament hours. Side Imaging, Down Imaging and 2D sonar will be allowed.
Contestants/Event Anglers may not solicit and/or receive information about locating or catching fish on tournament waters from anyone except their registered co-angler for this event beyond 12:01 AM September 7th, 2023.
Fishing hours will be from 7 AM to 4 PM on days 1, 2 & 3 (Qualifying Days). Lines in at 7 AM after starting your app, lines OUT at 4 PM, the app will cease to record after 4 PM. Fish will be scored between these periods ONLY.
ALL TEAMS MUST RETURN TO HEADQUARTERS WITHIN 30 MINUTES OF LINES OUT. This will be discussed at dock meeting or in your acceptance package.
Classic final, 50% of field with highest points, will be 7 AM to 3 PM (app will close at 3 PM), awards will start after all information is compiled. Lines in and out rule is also applied on the final day.
Anglers will be allowed to depart the headquarters site 30 minutes prior to LINES IN. On day one, departure of boat 1 through boat 70 will be based on the time we received your entry. On day two and three, the order will be randomly drawn. All boats will be staged in front of the Landing headquarters and will be eased out in an orderly fashion (discussed at dock meeting). On the final day, boats will ease out in order of standing, i.e., point leaders first. There WILL BE A 30 MINUTE TRAVEL TIME ON THE FINAL DAY, JUST AS IN DAYS 1, 2 & 3.
During competition and practice days, contestants may not place brush or other physical fish attractors, including chum of any kind, into tournament waters.
During competition days, and practice days of the Simply Fishing Muskie Classic, contestants may not follow a non-contestant’s boat for the purpose of locating staged or marked spots, and, or participate in the placing of markers, brush and or other fish attractors by non-contestants including the practice of “hole sitting” by anyone.
REQUIRED DOCK MEETING will be held at 7:00pm on September 6, 2023 at 3096 Vermillion Dr., Cook MN 55723. Big Muskie cash payment due.
All teams must have a boat check each tournament day. Teams will be released by tournament officials based on safe light or safe weather conditions. All entrants will proceed in an orderly ease out manner. Expected tournament hours will be 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM each day except final day (7:00 AM to 3:00 PM). Any delays will be the decision of the tournament director.
First in to register with confirmed payment, will be sent out in that order on day 1 only. All other days will be released due to random draw.
Boat check-in time will be given in your acknowledgment letter sent 1 week prior to event. Times will typically be 5:30am depending on calendar and weather. Your boat must be checked in on time, prior to any fishing.
Tournament fishing hours will run for 9 consecutive hours. All measuring will CEASE at the end of the 9th hour. There will be 3 Qualifying days where the FishDonkey app will be active only during those hours. Points will be accumulated during those 3 days and up to 50% of the field will go to the Championship based off their teams’ points. Championship day, you will start back at Zero.
Championship day, points start back at Zero and you will be fishing for 8 consecutive hours.
It will be the responsibility of the boat owner & co angler to know ALL of the rules. In this situation, there are NO EXCEPTIONS.
Un-sportsman-like conduct will not be tolerated; any violation of any angling laws and/or state laws in general will result in disqualification without refund.
The tournament official’s decision will be final. Common sense should BE THE RULE.
All teams on Championship Day are asked to stay until the end of the Award Ceremony to support your fellow anglers, the sport, and the event. All teams must refrain from consuming any mind-altering substances up until the Award Ceremony as Polygraph examiners are unable to test those that have consumed these items and not being able to be polygraphed will forfeit your winnings. If you have not placed in the top 15 or big muskie, you still need to refrain from consuming mind-altering substances as if a winning team does not pass a polygraph, others may be asked to have one.
All boats must be propeller-driven, a minimum of 16 feet in length and have a rear deck (with a seat if requested). No jet type propulsion.
All boats must be equipped with wheel steering or tiller steering.
Each boat must have all required United States. Coast Guard safety equipment.
Maximum horsepower for all outboards used in tournament competition will be 300 horsepower, with the exception of those considered as walleye boats, and will not exceed the horsepower capacity set forth on the “BIA Maximum Capacities” placard located on the craft, generally in the driver cockpit area.
HP rating. All boats must conform to the BIA standard for the make and model being used at the time of the event. Your BIA plate is located near the control area of the boat, generally found close to your shifter.
Liability insurance with coverage of not less than $100,000 per occurrence is required of all contestants in Team Fishing Circuit tournaments. Proof of insurance must be with the boat being used and must cover all passengers on the boat. Random checks will be conducted. Failure to provide proof of insurance when requested by the tournament director may result in disqualification.
Artificial lures only. No live, dead, or prepared bait is allowed.
Fishing is defined as having a lure attached to a line and a rod and reel with the rod in hand.
All fish must be caught alive in a conventional sporting manner during tournament hours.
All lures must adhere to state regulations.
Only artificial lures may be used, with the exception of pork trailers and biodegradable soft baits.
Only ONE fishing rod may be used at a time.
Trolling as a method of fishing is permitted. Trolling is defined as operating the combustion engine to extend a cast or lengthen a retrieve.
All fish caught MUST be hooked inside the mouth.
Approved species will be muskie including hybrids.
ALL fish must be released immediately after measuring is recorded.
Miss handling fish WILL result in disqualification.
ALL muskies must be caught ALIVE during the approved tournament hours on your scheduled fishing day.
This is an unlimited catch event. 36” minimum to score. See chart at end of rules.
It is at the discretion of the Tournament Director to postpone or cancel an event due to adverse weather. In such case, the teams affected will be moved to the next day or fish at a rescheduled event time and date.
In the event of a tie, for any position, the cash prizes for that position and the next position will be combined and distributed equally among the tied teams. Trophies will be decided with a coin, flip by the boat owners.
In the event of a tie on a qualifying day, the decision will be made by the earliest catch.
No alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs may be consumed or in possession of any competitor or boat during the tournament hours.
No fishing allowed within 100 feet of another boat. Trolling will be restricted to 200 feet of another boat. The decision of such a violation will be decided by the officials occupying the team boats and the tournament director. Decisions of this infraction will be FINAL and result in a disqualification of the offending team.
ALL decisions of the Tournament Officials are final. Protests will be allowed up to 15 minutes after the closing seconds of the event. A $400.00 cash deposit must be paid and will be refunded if the protest stands.
Competitors may obtain fuel and/or repairs from marinas, however, they WILL NOT LEAVE THEIR BOAT AS A RESULT.
Any team disqualified for any reason will not receive a refund of entry fees.
All State, Local, Federal, and/or other taxes, or other fees for prizes awarded become the sole responsibility of the winner. All those who win a prize or prizes valued $600 or more in any given year will be issued an IRS Form 1099 to report their winnings and all winners must submit an IRS Form W-9 to Team Fishing Circuit to claim prize.
CAST PRODUCTIONS LLC dba Team Fishing Circuit will hold NO liability or responsibility in ANY case regarding taxes or claiming income for the purpose of tax filing.
Nonresidents of the United States:
Team Fishing Circuit is obligated to withhold 30% of cash winnings for $1200 and greater for non-us residents.
All qualifying fish will be video recorded via the FishDonkey app. This is a user-friendly, secure app. Team Captain and Partner will sign up in the app on their SMARPHONE as a Team and pay at that time through the app, Cost is $10 once you receive your acknowledgment letter 1 week prior to tournament. Teams will still be boat checked prior to departure by Team Fishing Circuit.
When the Muskie is safely netted and the hooks have been removed,
-Your partner will place your certified Bump Board in a safe and non-obstructed area
-Start the recording NOW on the Fishdonkey app
-Partner then puts the fish on the Bump Board
-Video nose to tail, slow and steady, so measurements can be identified by the tournament officials. Videos are 30 seconds, so if the video ends, simply click the video button again to begin recording. Repeat this process as necessary to capture the entire measuring process.
-While the fish is still on the bump board, quickly take a still picture through the app. We need to see the full fish from nose to tail, full frame, as close as possible.
-Now it is time for your partner to return the fish to the water. At this point, the Angler can lift the fish properly while you video the process of the angler holding and releasing their fish. This video will become very useful in television, please no PROFANITY!
-Record the fish as it swims away. We know this process can take more than 30 seconds so please refer to restarting the video if it stops.
-Type in the length of the fish
-Once complete, you hit Submit, and then you are ready to go back to fishing!
This entire process MUST be followed completely, or the fish will not be included in the team’s score. No EXCEPTIONS!
Teams have 30 seconds to record the video. If you run out of time, teams can save it and make a second video, 3rd video, and so on. All videos will need to be submitted for that fish to score. There is NO uploading of videos or pictures from your phone without the use of the app, everything is done through the app. You will be able to see your ranking throughout the day. Teams in areas with bad service will be uploaded when they get in an area with better service.
Teams will register on the app called FishDonkey and when teams enter their first name in the app, they will add both of anglers’ last names. First name will be the Team Captains Last Name and the Last name, will be the partners Last Name. Example: Johnson/Anderson
Watch videos on the Muskie Scoring page to learn more on our website.
A week prior to the tournament, you will receive instructions as well. Those that qualify for the Classic Championship Day will need to select that tournament that evening so you are ready to go in the morning. Check out Muskie Scoring on our website.
Personal floatation devices must be always worn while the combustion engine is running and kill switch must be attached to the driver.
ALL MUSKIES WILL BE MEASURED TO THE NEAREST 1/4”. Starting at 36”, legally caught muskies will earn 4 points per inch thereafter.
EXAMPLE, a 36” muskie is valued at 36 points, a 36.25” is 37 points, a 40” muskie is 52 points and a 50” muskie is 91 points.
All Muskie MUST be a minimum of 36” to qualify and must be released ALIVE, dead fish will not score in event.
Please be aware that fish cannot be kept under any circumstances under 54 inches and all fish are to be immediately released.
In case of an emergency, call 911 but if able, also contact us at 952-999-0784.
NO SOLICITING of information beginning at 12:01am, the day of event start date and through the duration of the event. Anglers are subject to a polygraph test. Sharing of event fishing locations during the event is prohibited. Polygraph/Lie Detector exams will be administered at each event randomly. Each Participant who fishes Team Fishing Circuit events also agrees to submit to a polygraph examination following the competition upon a request from the Tournament Director. The polygraph examination will be conducted at a time and location determined by the Tournament Director. Failure to pass a polygraph examination, as determined by the examination administrator, will result in disqualification, loss of cash and prizes. Information related to any potential fraud will be shared with appropriate law enforcement authorities for determination of whether any state or federal offenses have been committed regarding any prize winnings for these tournaments.
27. NETS
Handheld nets WILL be REQUIRED with a strong preference for rubber coated close mesh net material.
28. RODS
Only one rod per angler can be in use at any given time.
No Long Lining aloud. This is a practice generally used by bass anglers however, it appears muskie anglers have adapted their version. If you’re a long liner, you know it.
There are NO locks to be aware of on these waters.
TROLLING with combustion engine or trolling motor will be allowed, safe distance from another angler is 200 feet.
All materials derived from the event become the sole property of CAST PRODUCTIONS LLC dba Team Fishing Circuit and/or Simply Fishing.
If you have any questions speak up BEFORE the tournament.
I agree that I will not sue CAST PRODUCTIONS LLC dba Team Fishing Circuit, and or/ SIMPLY FISHING, or any parties related to the event, et al for damages on account of any negligence causing injury, death, or damage I suffer or cause whether known now or which may develop in the future. In the event a claim is made against CAST PRODUCTIONS LLC dba Team Fishing Circuit et al on account of my negligence, actions, or omissions, I expressly agree to indemnify and hold CAST PRODUCTIONS LLC dba Team Fishing Circuit et al harmless from any liability whatsoever, including court costs and attorney’s fee, arising with respect to such actions. I understand that by signing my entry form and entering said events I am waiving my rights to sue CAST PRODUCTIONS LLC dba Team Fishing Circuit, et al I am also waiving the rights of recovery from CAST PRODUCTIONS LLC dba Team Fishing Circuit, et al of my insurance carrier for any claims they may pay on my behalf.
The captions at the beginning of each paragraph are intended to facilitate convenience in referring to the various rules. The captions are not part of the substance of the paragraph and should not be used in construction of any paragraph or of this overall set of rules.
Event Cancelled
Inches” = # of Points
36” 36 points
36.25” 37 points
36.5” 38 points
36.75” 39 points
37” 40 points
37.25” 41 points
37.5” 42 points
37.75” 43 points
38” 44 points
38.25” 45 points
38.5” 46 points
38.75” 47 points
39” 48 points
39.25” 49 points
39.5” 50 points
39.75” 51 points
40” 52 points
40.25” 53 points
40.5” 54 points
40.75” 55 points
41” 56 points
41.25” 57 points
41.5” 58 points
41.75” 59 points
42” 60 points
42.25” 61 points
42.5” 62 points
42.75” 63 points
43” 64 points
43.25” 65 points
43.5” 66 points
43.75” 67 points
44.25” 68 points
44.5” 69 points
44.75” 70 points
45” 71 points
45.25” 72 points
45.5” 73 points
45.75” 74 points
46” 75 points
46.25” 76 points
46.5” 77 points
46.75” 78 points
47” 79 points
47.25” 80 points
47.5” 81 points
47.75” 82 points
48” 83 points
48.25” 84 points
48.5” 85 points
48.75” 86 points
49” 87 points
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49.5” 89 points
49.75” 90 points
50” 91 points
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54.25” 107 points
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55” 110 points
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56” 115 points
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57” 119 points
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58” 123 points
58.25” 124 points
58.5” 125 points
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59” 127 points
59.25” 128 points
59.5” 129 points
59.75” 130 points